We Have Come to Worship You Lord Clip Art

Christian Wall Art Tin Change Your Life!

Christian wall art for your dwelling, church building and function. This beautiful Christian wall decor with scriptures is certain to bring inspiration and encouragement.

christian wall art decor

Christian wall art can accept a deep impact on your life. God can speak directly to your eye through a piece of art that was inspired by His Holy Spirit. The Christian wall fine art designed by David Sorensen has touched thousands of lives, all over the world. Many people testified how a piece of Christian wall fine art literally saved their life or how God used this art to heal a trauma in their heart. People came back to the Lord, after seeing ane of our Christian artworks, and some were inspired to a deeper life of dedication to Jesus Christ.

Christian wall art - Lion of Judah, Lamb of God

Panthera leo of Judah, Lamb of God
Christian Wall Art – Sail Impress

This unique wall fine art shows both sides of the Lord Jesus Christ. On the ane hand He is the Lamb of God who died as a sacrifice for our sins. Thanks to His expiry in the cross, nosotros can receive forgiveness of our sins. On the other paw He is the Panthera leo of the tribe Judah, which speaks about His kingship and His authority in His kingdom.


Christian wall art - Who is Jesus, names of Jesus

Who is Jesus – Names of Christ
Christian Wall Art – Canvas Print

This Christian wall art sows some of the most powerful and meaningful names of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is first of all the Christ, the Son of the living God, the Messiah. Jesus is also the Lamb of God, slain for the sins of the earth. He is the healer by whose wounds we are healed. Jesus is the Male monarch of kings and Lord of lords and the Panthera leo of the tribe of Judah. He is the Savior of the earth and the Proper noun above all names. Jesus is also the Way, the Truth and the Life. He is the gift of God, who gives us eternal life.


Christian wall art - God's love for sinners

God's Burning Dearest For Sinners
Christian Wall Fine art – Canvas Impress

God is love and the Bible says His love is like a fire, stronger than death. Indeed God proved the intensity of His passionate dearest for united states, when He became a human beingness, only similar us, and died for u.s. at the cantankerous. He chose to give His ain life for united states of america, to set u.s.a. free from sin, and bring us dorsum to His eye. This incredible piece of Christian wall art shows united states of america the deep love of God, who died for united states, while nosotros all the same sinners…


Experience the resurrection power of Jesus with this Christian wall art

Christian wall art - Jesus Christ is risen

[spoiler championship="Read the full inspirational bulletin most this Christian wall fine art…"]

Something amazing happened. Something unheard of. Something that changed everything, in the heavens, on world and underneath the earth.

All mankind and all of heaven and hell has been transformed past this. Nothing is similar information technology. Nil is such great and wonderful news as this. What is it? Read on and I'll explain information technology to you lot… God became a human being, just like you and me. He came downward in our darkness, our suffering, our pain and our sin. He descended from the glorious heights of the highest heavens, into the deepest depths of earth and flesh. Why?

To relieve us.

To set us free. To transform us. To heal usa. To give us a new life, in His loving embrace. Jesus Christ is literally God Himself, the creator of heaven and earth, the primary of creation, the Lord of all the heavenly hosts…Jesus Christ is God. He came to us, and He did something incredible. Something literally NOBODY had expected. No prophet, no apostle, no affections and no demon had expected this.

Jesus Christ gave Himself upwardly as a sacrifice. He died for you and me, at the cross.

He literally bled as a lamb that was slain, for the sins of the world. Can you imagine such a crazy thing? Can you believe such an amazing reality? God didn't come up to earth to put u.s. under the yoke of some new religion or to preach endless to u.s..

He came to dice for us.

And and then He did something even more than powerful.Later three days, He rose from the grave. The Roman soldiers saw a bright light, early in the morning and ran for their lives, terrified. They knew they would exist killed for their panic, because they left their posts. The Roman penalty for leaving your post was expiry. However they fled, in terror. Considering of the majesty that of a sudden surrounded them. The supernatural, blinding, overwhelmingly powerful light of God shone on them. They fled…. And the angels rolled away the huge rock, that no single man could always roll. Too heavy even for several men.

Jesus Christ rose from the expressionless.

Why did He do that? Why did Jesus dice and then ascension over again? To give y'all life. Eternal life, in the presence of God, your loving Father. To bring you abode, in the wonderful embrace of the God who created you. And to fill you with His life.

How can you experience this?

Let me share a secret with you. The resurrection ability of Jesus Christ is also here and now at work, to enhance you from the dead. From your dead circumstances. Your sickness. Your despair. Your sin. Your darkness, whatever it is. Just believe. Just look at Jesus Christ and see Him resurrected from the dead. SEE HIM, honey.I ask you: Open up YOUR Optics AND Run across HIM. Don't await down. Don't loose your involvement.


Beloved, see it and believe it: HIS POWER is at work in yous as well.Break off the chains that bind you. No longer submit to the powers of decease that surround you lot. Rise up! Rising upwards in HIS LIFE. He has set you free. All your sins have been forgiven. All your guilt has been removed. He has set you free. Now walk in this liberty.

See Jesus Christ, high and lifted upwards.

Ask the Spirit of God, who is the Spirit of life, the Spirit of healing, the Spirit of resurrection, the Spirit of renewal…. Ask Him now: 'Spirit of God. I am hither, for you. Fill me with your power. Reveal to me the resurrection power of Jesus Christ. Open up my eyes to see Jesus.'And then enter in. Praise Him, for His ability.  Praise Jesus Christ for His victory, over the powers of sin, sickness, decease and hell. Praise with Him with all your heart. Enter into His victory, kid of God. Enter in. In Jesus' proper name.

This Christian wall art helps you feel the ability that raised Jesus from the dead

Christian wall art - Jesus Christ is risen

Exercise you want to experience the life changing life saving, healing, liberating and victorious ability of Jesus Christ? This wall fine art can assist you. I created information technology, under inspiration of the Spirit of God, to prove you how Jesus Christ has overcome the bondage, the bondages, the claws, the depths of hell, and He is now eternally victorious. He wants to share this amazing victory with you as well.

If yous look at this Christian wall art, it will stir your faith and assist you detect the great ability of Jesus Christ.

Fifteen years agone I was struggling with a very serious sleeping disorder. One mean solar day the Lord spoke to me, through a prophetic ministry building, and He said:'David, y'all will kickoff experiencing the resurrection ability of Jesus Christ. Rise upwardly ands live again!'The following months I indeed felt an inner force to stop with the horrible sleeping medication. With His ability in my eye I could overcome the addiction to the bad medicine and learn to slumber naturally again. Information technology was a struggle, but His power enabled me to practise it.

And and then tin His resurrection power enable you to break through!

Buy this Christian wall fine art and encourage yourself with the greatest reality there is: Jesus Christ became a man, died for our sins, descended in hell, defeated satan and all the demonic powers and now His victorious life is hither for you, forever.

Ask the Spirit of God:

'Lord, open my eyes to see it. Make full me with your life giving, resurrection power. I renounce the powers of death and sin that bind me. I declare your authority and your lordship over my life. Come and reign in men, Lord Jesus. Yous are My Lord, my Male monarch, my Savior. Your blood has washed me from all my sins. Come up and fill me with your Holy Spirit. I want to alive in you now. Amen.'

Do this, honey. Say this prayer out loud, with all your heart. And practise this several times, the coming days. Don't let it pass you by. Read this text several times again, and permit the truth sink deep down into your heart.

And invest in buying this life changing wall fine art, to help you enter into this incredible reality of His healing, life changing resurrection ability.

It's here for you. Don't let it slip away by unbelief.

Christian wall art decor canvas - Jesus Christ is Risen


How Christian wall art prevented suicide…

A beau wrote us that he was on his way to commit suicide. He had failed and then often in his life and felt totally worthless and empty. He was disappointed in churches and people and made a decision to stop his life. On his way to death, he came across a piece of Christian wall fine art, designed by David Sorensen. This artwork expressed the passionate honey God has for usa, and it shows united states of america how valuable we are to Him. It touched the heart of this swain then deeply, that he started crying. He was filed with the truth of God's love for him, and turned around, back home. Later he started a christian ministry among the youth of his community….

Christian wall art - You are so precious to God

Christian wall art - You Are Sublime

Christian wall art - You are very precious to god

Christian wall fine art helps us know God'due south love

God's love is the greatest power in this globe, and everyone of us is designed to live in this dear. Without the honey of God we feel empty, meaningless and we seek satisfaction in other things, that will never fill up the depth of our heart. God longs to reveal His passionate love to everyone of us, in a way that is much stronger than we all realize. We were created by God – who is dearest – to live in His love. Notwithstanding, most Christians don't know huw much God truly loves them. We may take the words in our mind, simply we don't feel it in our heart.

Christian wall art lets the truth of God's dearest, sink deeper in our eye.

Images communicate deeper to people, than only words. God created u.s. as visual beings, who live according to what nosotros see. That's why art has the ability to shape an unabridged culture. People act upon what they see with their eyes. Christian wall art can therefor modify the course of a person's life, as they suddenly are confronted with the most powerful reality there is: God's burning, compassionate love for them.

Christian wall art - The fire of God's love for you

Christian wall art shows us conservancy

Christian wall art tin can likewise reveal the greatest gift of all, for all of us: God became a man, merely like you and me, and He died for usa at the cross. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ for mankind is the single most important event in all of homo history. Jesus took our place on the deathroll, and bore our sins upon Himself. He literally became the Lamb of God, that is slain for the sins of the earth. Thanks to His blood and His cede, nosotros can now be forgiven of all our sins. God gives us His great gift of grace, forgiveness and a brand new life, in Jesus Christ. It's his greatest expression of compassionate love for all of us, no matter what nosotros accept done.

The christian wall art by David Sorensen sow the states the greatest gift for all of us: Jesus Christ died as the Lamb of God, slain for the sins of the world.

Christian wall art - Jesus died for you

Christian wall art - Behold the lamb of God

Christian wall art - He died I for me, I live for Him

 Christian wall art encourages our faith

Christian wall art tin also bring groovy encouragement for our religion. No matter how long we take been a Christian, we all go through trials and challenges, ups and downs, and we all demand encouragement. The more we serve Jesus Christ faithfully, the more than warfare and attacks nosotros may face. In these times it tin be very helpful to have encouragement in the form of an inspired Christian work of art. God can really use Christian fine art to change the mode we retrieve and give us new courage and strength to keep.

God can reveal His faithfulness and care for us, through Christian wall art.

Christian wall fine art tin can besides remind u.s. of God's great power and celebrity. Sometimes we are and then focused on our problems and the obstacles, but when we are reminded of the nifty and mighty God we serve, information technology tin help usa take faith again in Him, wo volition never leave us and who wants to help usa overcome the greatest challenges.

Christian wall art - Those who wait on the Lord, rise with wings as eagles

Christian wall art - Trust God

Christian wall art - Safe in God

Christian wall art inspires prayer and worship

Many Christians are and then busy and tired from their daily piece of work, that prayer and worship often seems ore like a burden than a joy. Still it is trough prayer that we build our human relationship with God, our bang-up Father and Friend. When nosotros enter into His presence through praise and worship, He transforms us, strengthens us and gives us new vision and hope. Only in His presence are we filled with new life, love and peace.

Christian wall art encourages us to spend time in prayer and worship, so we can encounter God and be filled with His Spirit.

Christian wall art - I will pour out My Spirit

Christian wall art - Prayer, praying hands

Christian wall art - Praise the lord

Christian wall fine art shows God's power and victory

I of the purposes of David Sorensen'southward Christian wall art is to help Christians experience the nifty power and victory of Jesus Christ. We see so much darkness in the world, and tin sometimes be discouraged past information technology. But through it all, Jesus Christ is Lord of lords and King of kings and despite the spiritual warfare, He is building His eternal kingdom throughout the ages. The Bible says that eventually the whole earth shall be filled with the noesis of the goodness of the Lord. Isaiah prophecied 'There is no end to the increase of His government and His reign.' (Isaiah 9:7)

Christian wall fine art can remind us of the victory of Jesus Christ and His power that is at piece of work in u.s..

Christian wall art - Jesus is Lord - Lion of Judah

Christian wall art - Jesus Almighty Lord

Christian wall art helps the states know God

Through inspired Christian wall art we tin gain a greater noesis of who God is. He is kickoff of all our great and mighty Creator, the Maker of heaven and globe. Sadly many Christians have fallen casualty to the phantasies of the theory of evolution, assertive the silly lies that we have come forth by chance, from apes. David Sorensen designed several pieces of beautiful Christian art well-nigh God the creator, showing the beauty and majesty of God's creation and giving Him glory for all He has made. These Christian artworks are great for schools or churches, or even for our ain homes, to acknowledge God as our Creator, who is full of wisdom and power.

Christian wall fine art can remind united states of who God is: our Mighty Creator

Christian wall art - Glorious Creator

Christian wall art - God is the Mighty Creator

Christian wall art calls united states to a holy lifestyle

When we commit our lives to God, then we become His beloved children. Function of beingness a child of God, is living similar a kid of God. God is non like the globe, where we live in. He is non perverse, wicked, unrighteous advertisement selfish. He is the opposite of all that: loving, honest, pure and righteous. As our Father He asks us to learn to live like He is. He is light and calls united states of america to walk in His light, every bit His true children. There is no greater joy than to walk in holiness, free from the oppression and perversion of sin and darkness. Walking in the light of Jesus Christ gives us keen joy and peace.

Christian wall art reminds us that God is holy and He calls united states of america to live holy.

Christian wall art - Holy is the Lord

Christian wall art - Jesus is the joy of my life

Buy Christian wall fine art
and experience inspiration and encouragement
from the heart of God


How Christian wall art healed a deep emotional trauma

Seeing an paradigm about the dearest of God for you, can do miracles. 1 lady wrote me that she was traumatized deeply, when her married man left her for a younger daughter. Feeling unloved, rejected and abandoned, she sunk into a deep emotional black hole. Her heart shattered and her life destroyed.

Then she ordered 1 of my Christian artworks, that shows the hand of God, reaching downwardly to u.s.a., to comprehend us with His never failing honey.

Christian wall art - God's love for you is overwhelming


I created this piece of work of art, because this is how I have felt oft in my life. In times of deep darkness or struggle, God came and revealed His unfailing dearest to me. His love is so strong that it can exist overwhelming at times. In the midst of what we are going through, fifty-fifty similar the crushing trauma of this lady, His love tin can reach us, and exist a shining beacon of healing and hope. The lady wrote me the following:

'Every 24-hour interval I stopped to wait at this Christian wall fine art, and I permit the expression of God's love sink deep into my centre. I can tell yous that this wall fine art brought more healing to me, than all the handling I got.'

I encourage you to invest a few dollars, to accept an eternal and life changing bear upon. God changes lives and hearts, through Christian wall art that has been created past His Spirit, who works in a human beingness. He wants to reach out to you. He wants to break through the darkness and sin. He sees your, wherever you are. And He is not holding Himself back, merely He reaches out to you.

I create this Christian wall art to transform lives.

Requite it a place in your life or requite it to a beloved one. It'southward a small-scale investment, only information technology truly transforms lives. Today I received an email from a customer who purchased some of my Christian artwork. She literally wrote me:

'I felt the Spirit of the Lord, when I hung it up.' – Sonja.

God works through words, like the Bible, just He also uses visual letters, to touch deep areas in our soul that tin can't exist touched past words lone.

Call up, beloved child of the most loftier: His beloved for you is endless.

Your feelings and thoughts may tell differently. Fifty-fifty your circumstances may scream at you that God has abandoned you, otherwise yous wouldn't exist in this mess. Merely the truth is that God is right in that location with you. He does love yous. And He is able to plough your life around.

Open your entire heart to Him. Run across Him correct there with you, full of compassion and forgiveness. He doesn't want to condemn you lot, but He reaches His hand out to y'all and says: 'Take My hand. I died for all of your sins and shame. I elevator yous out of this pit.'

Volition you take His manus of dear and salvation?

Christian wall art - God's love for you is overwhelming


Source: https://www.paradisecanvasprints.com/christian-wall-art/

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